Catalogue Raisonné des icônes de Sœur Marie Paul Farran

et de l’atelier d’iconographie des Bénédictines du Mont des Oliviers
Le Catalogue Raisonné des icônes de Sœur Marie-Paul Farran, et de l’atelier d’iconographie du Monastère des Bénédictines du Mont des Oliviers, est conçu comme un travail en cours. Ce catalogue sera régulièrement modifié et enrichi à la lumière des informations rassemblées par l’auteur. Toute utilisation des icônes est strictement interdite et doit faire l'objet d'une demande d'autorisation via le formulaire de contact

La Résurrection de Lazare

42 x 30 cm
Jn 11:38–44

The resurrection of Lazarus

John 11:38-44

Still sighing, Jesus reached the tomb: it was a cave with a stone to close the opening. Jesus said, ‘Take the stone away’. Martha said to him, ‘Lord, by now he will smell; this is the fourth day’. Jesus replied, ‘Have I not told you that if you believe you will see the glory of God?’ So they took away the stone. Then Jesus lifted up his eyes and said: ‘Father, I thank you for hearing my prayer. I knew indeed that you always hear me, but I speak for the sake of all these who stand round me, so that they may believe it was you who sent me.’ When he had said this, he cried in a loud voice, ‘Lazarus, here! Come out!’ The dead man came out, his feet and hands bound with bands of stuff and a cloth round his face. Jesus said to them, ‘Unbind him, let him go free’.

“ Si ton regard est lumineux, tu illumineras toutes choses ”
“ Dieu ne détruit pas les ténèbres, il les transfigure ”
“ Tout finira dans la lumière ”
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