Catalogue Raisonné des icônes de Sœur Marie Paul Farran

et de l’atelier d’iconographie des Bénédictines du Mont des Oliviers
Le Catalogue Raisonné des icônes de Sœur Marie-Paul Farran, et de l’atelier d’iconographie du Monastère des Bénédictines du Mont des Oliviers, est conçu comme un travail en cours. Ce catalogue sera régulièrement modifié et enrichi à la lumière des informations rassemblées par l’auteur. Toute utilisation des icônes est strictement interdite et doit faire l'objet d'une demande d'autorisation via le formulaire de contact

La Trinité avec Abraham et Sara

40 x 30 cm
Gn 18:1-11

Based on the model of the famous Trinity by Rublev, written in the first half of the 15th century, who was the first to offer a visual representation of the Divine Trinity. The composition includes three angels and a table on which stands a bowl containing a calf's or lamb's head. This bowl is at the centre of the icon and the figures are depicted around it in a circle - the heads of the angels are inclined to form a circle. The bowl, as a symbol of the Eucharist, refers to the New Testament and to Christ himself. Two of the angels bless the cup, i.e. the sacrifice of Christ.

This is the scene of the appearance of the three angels to Abraham and Sarah at Mambre in the book of Genesis, 18:1-11:

The Lord appeared to him at the Oak of Mamre while he was sitting by the entrance of the tent during the hottest part of the day. He looked up, and there he saw three men standing near him. As soon as he saw them he ran from the entrance of the tent to meet them and bowed to the ground. ‘My lord,’ he said ‘I beg you, If I find favour with you kindly do not pass your servant by. A little water shall be brought; you shall wash your feet and lie down under the tree. Let me fetch a little bread and you shall refresh yourselves before going further. That is why you have come in your servant’s direction. They replied ‘Do as you say’. Abraham hastened to the tent to find Sarah. ‘Hurry’ he said ‘knead three bushels of flour and make loaves.’ Then running to the cattle Abraham took a fine and tender calf and gave it to the servant, who hurried to prepare it. Then taking cream, milk and the calf he had prepared, he laid all before them, and they ate while he remained standing near them under the tree. Where is your wife Sarah? they asked him. ‘She is in the tent’ he replied. Then his guest said, ‘I shall visit you again next year without fail, and your wife will then have a son’. Sarah was listening at the entrance of the tent behind him. Now Abraham and Sarah were old, well on in years, and Sarah had ceased to have her monthly periods.

“ Si ton regard est lumineux, tu illumineras toutes choses ”
“ Dieu ne détruit pas les ténèbres, il les transfigure ”
“ Tout finira dans la lumière ”
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